Our Treatments

  • Most of the time heel pain is associated with plantar fasciitis but it is not always plantar fasciits.

    Hallmark symptom of Plantar Fasciitis is first steps out of bed hurt in the morning. So everyone has a plantar fascia on the sole of their foot. This plantar fascia is a strong fibrous tissue band which runs from the heel bone to the toes. It helps support the bottom of the foot. Plantar fasciitis is basically an overuse syndrome of this strong tissue band. The area becomes inflamed and irritated from excessive use. Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. The pain can get better after walking but at the end of the day it can hurt again due to plantar fascia being overused. Usually if you are on your feet walking or sitting all day, plantar fasciitis can occur. It usually occurs to individuals who are overweight, who are runners, or who are excessively on their feet. Most of the time plantar fasciitis can be treated conservatively:

    • stretching

    • icing

    • NSAIDs

    • good supportive shoe gear

    • supportive orthotics

    • night splints

    • injections (steroid, Platelet Rich Plasma, Amniotic Fluid)

    If conservative treatment fails, plantar fasciitis can be treated surgically through numerous procedures depending on the individual patient.

    If you’re having heel pain, please do not wait too long to get it evaluated as this condition is painful. Plantar fasciitis can become chronic, can cause tears within in the plantar fascia, can hinder daily activities.

  • A bunion is when the two bones at the joint of the big toe move out of place. It is commonly referred to as a “BUMP”. The bunion (the bump) gets progressively worse over time. Symptoms include difficulty wearing shoes, along with redness and pain at the site. Some conservative treatment options include proper shoe gear with orthotics, taping, medication, and injections. If all conservative treatment modalities have been exhausted, then you are likely a candidate for bunion surgery. Bunion surgery is the gold standard especially for those dealing with chronic pain and wanting a more permanent solution. For a thorough assessment and to discuss a treatment plan tailored to your individual needs, call today to schedule an appointment.

  • A hammer toe is a contracture, or bending, of the toe at the first joint of the digit. This bending can cause discomfort in shoes. It can also cause a corn to the top of the shoe. The corn forms due to the friction with the bent joint and the shoegear. Any toe can be involved, but the condition usually affects the second through fifth toes, known as the lesser digits. Hammer toes are more common in females than males. A hammer toe develops because of an abnormal balance of the muscles in the toes. Conservative treatment includes shoes with a deeper toe box, corn pads, orthotics, loose fitting shoes to avoid friction between toe and shoe. If conservative treatment fails, surgery is the last resort.

  • Typically you will see yellow discoloration and thickening of the toenail. Fungus can be very stubborn. Treatment includes laser, oral medication, and topical medication. 

    Tolcylen is the first antifungal, cosmetic, and nail renewal treatment, all in one product. It is available without a prescription and dispensed exclusively through Dr. Khalifa’s office.

    Tolnaftate 1% and Undecylenic Acid 25% can prevent and cure fungal infections while acting as a cleansing/emulsifying agent and organic preservative. Urea, Lactic Acid and Propylene Glycol softens, thins and lightens brittle and discolored nails while acting as a penetrating agent for the other ingredients. Jojoba Oil and Vitamin E moisturizes and revitalizes nails, while promoting healthy nail appearance and growth. The patented delivery system is user friendly and the applicator tip controls flow while effectively dispensing medication on/ under the edges of nails. Also available are Tolcylen Skin Cream and Shoe Spray.

  • Warts are small growths on the bottom of the feet. Often described as black dots, they are caused by the HPV (human papillomavirus).

    Plantar warts are spread from person to person, and the transmission can be indirect. The HPV virus that causes them can often be found in warm and wet areas, such as showers, swimming pools, and other public locations. It is, thus, very easily transmittable, and can be caught by walking barefoot in communal places. Once acquired, the virus forms a wart, which is essentially a buildup of skin that appears as the body’s immune system starts fighting. Treatment includes using a salicylic acid and routine follow-ups.

  • A thickened and hardened part of the skin or soft tissue, especially in an area that has been subjected to friction. Typically treatment includes wearing the appropriate shoe gear, padding, orthotics.

  • Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that affects the outer layer of the skin of the foot, especially when it is warm, moist, and irritated. Symptoms include itchiness, peeling of skin and sometimes redness. Treatment includes a topical antifungal medication, moisture wicking socks and Botox injections.

  • An ingrown toenail is a common condition that occurs when the sides of the toenail grow into the surrounding skin. It will cause localized redness, swelling, and pain. Ingrowns can become infected if left untreated.

    Treatment includes proper nail cutting at home & appropriate shoes. If ingrown becomes painful, then it is best to make an appointment to see Dr. Khalifa to have an in office procedure.

  • An ankle sprain refers to tearing of the ligaments of the ankle. The most common ankle sprain occurs on the lateral (outside) part of the ankle. There are different grades of ankle sprains. Initial Treatment includes rest, ice, compression and elevation. Sometimes you will need x-rays to rule out a fracture.

  • Flat foot is a foot deformity that occurs when the arch inside the foot is flat. As a result, the foot comes into near or complete contact with the ground when standing up. 

    People with flat feet typically do not have an arch in their feet or have one that is very low. As a result, when standing up, the gap beneath the inner part of the foot and the ground is non-existing.

    Initial treatment is obtaining supportive and appropriate shoe gear as well as orthotics.